Besides this website and periodic CPC emails, below are some of the sources Crabby Pickleball Club members use to communicate with other members regarding play and other club topics.

Team Reach

Download the Team Reach app for iPhone or Android or go to for more information. This app is used for daily chatter about when/where to play. These codes listed below are available to the public. CPC has its own member-only group as well.

Mowbray Park group code: CPC-mow

Grasonville Park group code: Pb_grasonville

CPC Singles — group code: Onecrab

NewCrab - group code: baypbfun (for new players, learning the sport)

Pickleball Den

Go to and search for Crabby Pickleball Club. This site is used for organizing club ladders, tournaments and competition-related activities. Subscription to the website is included with club membership.