2023 in Review

Here is a list of our club’s accomplishments our first, full year in existence. Some cost money, some did not…all required many hours from multiple volunteers. Thank you to all our volunteers who help us along the way. Every little bit counts and is so appreciated. We are not trying to “toot our horn”; however, it is important that members have a complete understanding of what goes on behind the scenes and that we try to provide a little something for everyone.


  • Acquired a new storage space at Mowbray Park (black bin & shed) 

  • Received by donation or purchased: 10 net cord straps, 2 roller squeegees, 2 rubber squeegees, 1 broom, 1 8-foot table, 3 tents, 2 large coolers, 1 large metal storage shelving unit, 2 metal folding chairs, 1 speaker system, 3 barrier nets, 2 white boards, multiple vinyl banners, misc.party & office supplies. 

  • Purchased 3 new temporary nets. We will be replacing the temp nets at Grasonville in the spring. 

  • Started a recycle program & installed bins at Mowbray & Grasonville Parks.  

  • Parks & Rec added bleachers, a walkway & opened the center fence. 

Organized Play: 

  • 96 ladder events (4 individual offerings for 6 weeks, done 4 times) 

  • March round-robin (42 players, free) 

  • Senior Summit Tournament, 1 day (32 players). 

  • Inaugural Kent Island Classic Tournament, 2 days (174 players). 

  • Formed a regular play program for new/learning players. 

  • Trialed Dupr Nights


  • 14 CPC Board meetings

  • 12 Parks and Rec meetings

  • 2 Parks and Rec Advisory Board meetings

  • 6 KIC tournament committee meetings

  • 1 budget hearing at Bayside Elem to move up Rec Center study

Social and other events:

  • 9 Happy Hours

  • 1 CPC social at Love Point Vineyards

  • YMCA luncheon & tour

  • CPR/AED class

  • Glow-in-the-Dark PB event (free)


  • Free:

    2 Singles clinics

    2 Instructor orientations

    3 Intro to PB

    2 Beginner Drills

    3 Intermed/Cardio/Live Ball

  • Discounted clinics:

    4 drills & skills 

  • Misc offerings:

    1 ratings clinic

    2 guest-pro clinics

  • We now have 8 certified instructors, 1 USAP Ambassador, 6 members who are not credentialed but enthusiastically volunteer to teach others and who are very skilled.


  • 3 Food/clothing drives for Haven Ministries

  • Supported Queen Anne’s Watermen’s annual Xmas basket fundraiser


  • Maintained our website and added a member-only section which includes our bylaws, communications & financial data. 

  • Maintained our facebook page (Crabby PB Chat) and the ESPA Series fb page. 

  • Moved daily communications to TR

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2024!


Our 2024 Season is Starting!


Chesapeake Pb