Did you now that QAC does not have a rec center anywhere in the county? QAC budget hearings for the public are May 22-24th at 3 separate locations. They tentatively have budgeted in 2025 100k to study building a rec center & in 2026 10M for actually building a rec center. The county has not heard significant support from the public so this is not a definite. Ideally, we would like to have the rec center building study moved into the 2024 budget.

The best action to keep attention focused on this project is for us to show up in large numbers, showing support for this issue. So please attend any or all of hearings if you can.

It would also be helpful if people write emails to the commissioners stating pickleball’s massive growth in QAC, how short we are on facilities & how beneficial a rec center would be to all citizens, young/old/handicapped, etc. Please write from your personal email address and describe yourself so they know our demographic is diverse. If you travel frequently to play pickleball because of a lack of options here in QAC, let them know that too.

Please click this link to take you to all the info you need to help us out, including where to write.

Thank you for your help. Every bit counts in our fight to get more courts.


Kent Island Classic


Dinko de Mayo